AssetMantle is a layer-1 blockchain for Metaverses, Games, Interchain NFTs, Decentralised Identities (DIDs), Tokenized Real Estate, and more. The vision is to leverage NFTs for real-world use cases, enterprise integrations, and an interoperable Web3 ecosystem. AssetMantle's product offering includes MantleBuilder, which allows for a no-code custom NFT storefront, and Mantleplace which is an NFT marketplace utilizing DIDs. AssetMantle also has MantleWallet, MantleExplorer, and a budding open-source infrastructure. AssetMantle utilizes the InterNFT standard for Interchain NFTs and Tendermint consensus engine for fast finality transactions. InterNFT was first commissioned by Inter Chain Foundation (ICF) and has had Polkadot, Akash Network, Secret Network, Developers from World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) and several open-source teams contribute since then. $MNTL token is multi-chain via Inter Blockchain Communications (IBC).